Monday, February 23, 2009

Dru Hill

Not much to report. Apparently they are back together. Here's there song produced by B Cox. I don't really know how I feel about it yet, but here it is.

The Oscars

For those who didn't watch it it would be sad for me to say that you didn't miss much. In fact it would be ignorant. I thought that the Oscars were pretty well done. Of course, as in all shows, there are parts where the audience is not being engaged the right way etc. but overall it was a very creative show. Their ability to combine aspects of various mainstream/ commercial movies, international movies, short films, musicals, etc. was very good and sometimes funny (could have been more funnier moments, but that I believe required everyone to have viewed all of the movies I guess to understand the jokes.

Beyonce's "surprise" performance was interesting. I thought she did pretty well considering the physical nature of her performance, while still being able to blow. She seemed boring kind of but I mean whatever I'm not going to go into detail. I think it was a little OD for her to think "At Last" is a song that she needs to keep singing because it's honestly a bit disrespectful to Etta James. She's still alive for goodness sake. But whatever.

John Legend was really good in his performance as usual. Will Smith was cute in his giving out of the action movies stuff (sound, special effects etc.)

What really touched me was Heath Ledger's family. You could tell that they really loved him, and that the audience really felt for them. I just felt bad but I know that everything is in God's hands so he will help them through. That was a really heartfelt moment of the show.

There were other good moments but I'm not going to go through them. Youtube it lol.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Re-Making The Band

Ok. So I finally watched an episode of Making the Band and I must admit, that I was thoroughly impressed with what's to come for Day 26's new album. I'm extremely excited about these two songs "Stadium Music" and "So Good." As usual, Brian Cox does his thing on the tracks and I really think everyone is going to feel this new sound they are trying to challenge themselves to. So keep looking out for that.

Donnie. Hmph. I just have no real words. The boy is talentless. Honestly. He can play the piano and that's it. He cannot sing, and he's too stiff of a white boy to be able to dance. Diddy CLEARLY only picked him to appeal to the white teeny bopper fans because those fans will definitely buy an album or two and stay loyal to their loverboy fantasy Donnie.

It's clear that not only is Diddy losing faith in Donnie (if he ever really had any), but Donnie is losing faith in Donnie. At the end of the day, Rihanna cannot sing. We all know this, but her hustle is clearly there because she makes sure her name is kept in the media, and she comes out with some pretty hot tracks, I must admit. (whether she is deserving of those tracks is another topic) But when it comes to her hustle, and her drive and want for money, she knows what she's doing. Donnie on the other hand apparently thought fame and everything else was just supposed to come naturally from being signed to Bad Boy.

First of all not only do Bad Boy artists become null and void after an album (or possibly 2), but Donnie cannot sing! Like hello! He has no real stage presence and it's clear he thinks this was all supposed to just come to him. People (although not that many apparently) can see through the bullshit. They can see through the smoke and the fog and the autotune and the airbrushing and realize that that is not you! It's sad that he has to come to this realization on live TV, but clearly this is what he needs to tip the scale that he sees right now.

AND just a Donnie sidebar, i think it was hilarious that people didn't even know who he was!!! Personally I wouldn't either if Diddy didn't leave his ass in the Making the Band episodes, cause he's so not interesting at all. He just looks like a white boy from the corn fields with mad moose.

Now when it comes to Danity Kane, it's another story. I hate aubrey, I've always hated aubrey. She, D-Woods, and others were doing things that were not in the best interest of the group. Granted, I understand they were trying to get that money and Diddy is one bastard when it comes to his artists because I am sure they don't really get anything. However, it began to mess up the dynamics of the group as people began to get side tracked and place the group on the back burner, which upset the other members who felt that they were more dedicated.

So, in that sense it was their fault partially that they were beginning to naturally break up, but it's also Diddy's fault for his poor management skills of his artists. He's a thief. Plain and simple. If he wasn't, all of his other artists would be out right now doing stuff instead of trying to live the rest of their lives trying to pay him back.

Additionally, Diddy FIRED D-Woods and Aubrey. He did. It's on television. Whether it was staged or not, he did it and there's proof. So I really wasn't trying to hear Dawn (who I still like) tell Diddy that they explained to them that he really didn't fire them. Because he did. Therefore once that happens, the contract is over. done. up. finished. void. It does not count and therefore he should not be allowed to sue them for jumping when he said jump back into the group.

If I got fired I would have honestly done the same things and figured out okay, now what? Now where am I going to get the money to feed myself and rest my head? I'm not going to jump back into a rocky situation for the sake of Diddy's ego. Not happening. It was a nice ride, I got screwed, and I learned my lesson.

I think people need to stop criticizing them for not thinking about their fans because yes at the end of the day, their fans made them. But at the same token, fans need to understand that artists are people too. They need to eat. They need to sleep. They need to have dignity (except aubrey clearly). Therefore, I'm sure they would love to get back in the group with one another had the monetary situation not been what it is. And as fans we should understand that at the end of the day, it really is about money- the ability to provide for yourself and family. And I don't think we're being fair about letting them cope with that.

So no, diddy should not have the right to sue them after all the fucked up shit he's done for the sake of TV and publicity and money. He's exploiting them. End of the story.


That's what I call her lol. M O B! I love this woman. She is the epitome of what a woman should aspire to be. She's smart, dedicated, loving, and the list goes on. When you see Michelle, you think, that is a real person right there. She's so regal and makes me want to do my part.

It just really inspired me to hear that she hosted a Black History Month Celebration in the white house for some elementary students. I love how her and Barack try to make themselves as accessible as possible. We put them on a higher pedistol but they seem to come off of it as much as possible and I think that that is extremely important.

Here's what was reported on Bossip.

Mrs. Obama seemed a bit surprised when the sixth- and seventh-graders from three local schools said yes, they knew slaves helped build the White House, that President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation upstairs in a bedroom named for him, and that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders met in the building with Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson to discuss the end of segregation.

“So you guys know your history. That’s a good thing,” she said. “That means your parents and teachers are doing their jobs.”

Mrs. Obama encouraged them to look beyond the names in the history books and to “think about the extraordinary people who live in your own world,” like parents, grandparents and teachers, “all those folks who play important roles in black history and American history every single day.”

She said they will write history’s next chapter and they should work hard every day, always put their best foot forward, even when no one is looking, and support their families at home by making their beds, putting away dishes and cleaning their rooms. “That’s part of the preparation,” said Mrs. Obama, whose daughters, Malia and Sasha, sat in the front row with her mother, Marian Robinson.

The Rebirth

I'm going to keep this short because he isn't even worth being on my blog, but I want to save the rest of you the time, effort, and money of going out and purchasing this horrible album.

This album, called The Rebirth, is just proof that this little person cannot sing. I'm sorry. It's a horrible album. Beep Beep? What are you talking about? That's just something easy to get the people hyped with in the club. Go sit down.

The one song that I do like is called Give Me Your Heart. And it's a real shame because that song is really good. It's clear that he goes in on that song. Let me take that back... It's clear that he ATTEMPTS to go in on that song. By some small chance of luck, the song still came out pretty good because of all the risks he takes, however it shows that there were a lot of risks being made.

He was pretty flat in many of his songs and I really was just turned off by the songs because of it. I guess if you have no sense of what sounds good or bad, then you're fine. But as a musician, it really bothers me that someone like him with no talent, can come out with an album like that and be seen as "a singer."

FYI: He was on American Idol in the beginning seasons (like 2 or 3) and Simon told him he couldn't sing. I agree. He can't. He needs to sit down.


So I really didn't want to talk about this and I felt like I would have to if I came back to the blog, but now that I'm back I guess I might as well throw in my two cents.

Let me start out by saying that I personally do not believe that a man should place his hands on a woman. HOWEVER, with that said, I believe that a man has a right to DEFEND himself against a woman charging at him or physically threatening his life. I also believe that if a woman believes she has the right to really put her hands on a man she should expect that at that point you are no longer a female, you are someone trying to assault him, and therefore there is the POTENTIAL to be jacked up because of their own actions. HOWEVER, men should still try at all times not to put their hands on a woman just because they usually have more strength and could really end up hurting the person they love physically, and emotionally.

Now, Rihanna looks like a chick who talks reckless and says whatever she wants to say. It's clear from her history with her own brothers that she does some pretty crazy things (i.e. hitting her brother over the head with a glass bottle). This kind of behavior calls for some type of repercussions. Rihanna seems like the type who has gotten her way way too many times and Chris Brown just wasn't trying to have it.

However, when I saw the pictures, I thought wow. I couldn't even speak just because I felt like I was backing him up the entire time until I saw pictures and got a full story. But honestly, there is no reason to get to the point where a person is knocked unconscious. There really isn't. And from the pictures it is clear as to how she was knocked unconscious because she suffered from a number of severe blows to the face. That'll do it.

So I am still waiting to hear what this story is but honestly right now I really feel bad for Chris Brown. I really do. His life is pretty much over no matter what, whether he goes to jail or not. He's lost all of his endorsements, and even more fans. I am sure that he is meditating on this and I hope he really does get the help that he needs because domestic violence is very serious. I hope that everyone gives him the opportunity to seek help instead of continuing to beat down on him. If he could take it back, I'm sure he would. I'm sure he's realized how much shit he's in and that whatever the issue was, it sure wasn't worth this. So I really am praying for the both of them as they drive down the road of recovery.

As Americans it's easier to beat up on someone until they feel like nothing, and I hate that about our nation. I think we need to be more caring of each other and understanding of each other when we are down because we've all been down before. So to pretend we haven't and rejoice when someone falls is inhumane in my opinion. We really need to get him the help he needs and support him. That's all I have to say about this.

Back At It

Ok I was gone but now I'm back! Sorry guys. I've been slacking. But once I get uninterested in the gossip of the world I have no reason to really report on anything but that's not a good excuse! So here I am back again and I promise to stay more consistent!!!

So what's going on in my life?

Well I'm working on the album, hopefully will have one or two songs spinning in the Pittsburgh and New York clubs by March/April so do look out for that. I have some pretty interesting songs so I'm excited to work on it and can't wait for you all to hear what I have cooking up. I plan on working with my boy Nick 'The Scholar' Pratt from the collegeboymovement. He has that little southern swag so that should be a sick combination so I'm excited about that. Once there are more details I will fill you all in. But the album will be dropping in May so PLEASE be sure to support and cop it :)

In my personal life, I am now in a relationship. Sorry fellas I'm off the market and probably will be for a while. lol. I feel really good about this one so unless he like murders me or pulls a Chris Brown on me then nothing's going to change. :) He's a sweetheart, forthright, honest, loving, caring, understanding, all of that good stuff and he's black lol. So you know those are hard to find. He's actually responsible for having me back up on this blog right now so you guys need to thank him for getting on my case. He honestly makes me better and ladies you should demand no less than this from your man but we will get to all of that in another post of course! You know I'm good for that kind of talk.

I also cut my hair as you can see in the pic above. It's alot shorter now and I will be cutting it again and am really excited to show the physical changes of what I consider to be the new me. So don't worry, I won't desert you guys again. I'm back and I'm here to stay. Had a couple of things and people try to knock me down, but it's not necessary for me to really get at them. I'm sure God has punished them in his own ways and I'm really glad to know we have a God who can do all things. So I'm going to keep the faith. Look out for the coming blogs in a few minutes and days, as I will be bringing back that heat and controversy that was loved here on the page. Peace and Blessings!