Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So normally when the question of talent comes in to play, the main chicks out there in that question are Rihanna, and Cassie. But Rihanna is on her grind so no one is really pushing it, and Cassie's giving out free ass so I guess we've just accepted it and left it alone. But we can all agree that these two chicks have no talent. If you don't, check out their live performances.

However, I think there needs to honestly be one more name in this ring of talentless singers and she goes by the name of Keyshia Cole. Sorry folks. Come on. Honestly. Did yall hear her singing at the fight on Saturday? I was trying not to get at her because I know there's a bunch of you die hard Keyshia fans out there (for whatever reason) including my best friend, but COME ON! She sounded AND looked a hot ass mess. You can't tell me that wasn't the last straw to this nonsense!? She's a pretty girl, got her head together, has done alot for herself and her family, and I honestly do love her for that, but the music? Man, if I ever, ever, ever, had an inkling that she couldn't do anything except scream, Saturday night's performance solidified it. She gets off key a million times and shes screaming. It hurt my ears. Sorry.

The video is above if your ears were lucky this weekend.

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